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Pickwick Papers (1836), kap. 2.


Great men are seldom over scrupulous in the arrangement of their attire.

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Great men are seldom over scrupulous in the arrangement of their attire; the operation of shaving, dressing, and coffee-imbibing was soon performed; and, in another hour, Mr. Pickwick, with his portmanteau in his hand, his telescope in his greatcoat pocket, and his note-book in his waistcoat, ready for the reception of any discoveries worthy of being noted down, had arrived at the coach-stand in St. Martin’s-le-Grand.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Nasjonalitet: britisk
Tittel: forfatter
Levde: 1812 - 1870

Dickens er blant annet kjent for bøkene David Copperfield og Oliver Twist. Han er ansett som en av det engelske språks største forfattere og var populær over hele verden i sin levetid.

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