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Gjengitt i Makers of the Modern World : The Lives of Ninety-two Writers, Artists, Scientists, Statesmen, Inventors, Philosophers, Composers, and Other Creators who Formed the Pattern of Our Century (1955) av Louis Untermeyer.
I start where the last man left off.
Through all the years of experimenting and research, I never once made a discovery. I start where the last man left off. [...] All my work was deductive, and the results I achieved were those of invention pure and simple.
Nasjonalitet: amerikansk
Tittel: oppfinner
Levde: 1847 - 1931
Edison er ansett som en av de dyktigste oppfinnere gjennom tidene, med mer enn 1000 patenter. Han fant blant annet opp mikrofonen, fonografen og glødelampen.