Når mai er kald og vindfull, blir bondens lader fulle.
Five Hundreth Pointes of Good Husbandrie (1573).
Se også norske ordtak.
Cold May and windy,
Barn filleth up finely.
September blow soft,
Till fruit be in loft,
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
October good blast,
To blow the hog mast.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
November take flail;
Let ship no more sail.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
O dirty December,
For Christmas remember.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
A kindly good January,
Freezeth pot by the fire.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
Feb, fill the dike,
With what thou dost like.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
March dust to be sold,
Worth ransom of gold.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
Sweet April showers,
Do spring May flowers.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
Cold May and windy,
Barn filleth up finely.
Forgotten mont past,
Do now at the last.
Calm weather in June,
Corn sets in tune.
Forgotten, mont past,
Do now at the last.
No tempest, good July,
Lets corn (a) look ruly.
Forgotten, mont past,
Do now at the last.
Dry August and warm,
Doth harvest no harm.
Forgotten, mont past,
Do now at the last.
Nasjonalitet: engelsk
Tittel: dikter og gårdbruker
Levde: 1524 - 1580