
Fanatisme er den eneste form for viljestyrke som også svake sjeler kan ta del i.


Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (1882).


For in fact fanaticism is the sole «volitional strength» to which the weak and irresolute can be excited.

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For in fact fanaticism is the sole «volitional strength» to which the weak and irresolute can be excited, as a sort of hypnotising of the entire sensory-intellectual system in favour of an excessive nuorishment (hypertrophy) of a single point of view and a particular feeling which then becomes dominates - the Christian calls it his faith.

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Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nasjonalitet: tysk
Tittel: filosof
Levde: 1844 - 1900

Nietzsche betydde mye for europeisk filosofi og litteratur i sin samtid. Han er mest kjent for frasen Gott is tot og boka Slik talte Zarathustra (1883-86).

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